Join Our All-Star Team.
Our all-star team forms the core of our firm. Klintworth and Rozenblat IP is highly selective in who we choose to add to this all-star team. We are constantly on the look-out for experienced, top-notch attorneys, agents, and staff with top pedigrees to join the team.
If you share our core values and are interested in joining the all-star team, please send your resume to info@kandrip.com. Lateral partners with exceptional track records, a portable book of business, and a proven ability to manage and work with clients are welcome to send their resumes directly to our managing partners Tim Klintworth and David Rozenblat at tklintworth@kandrip.com and drozenblat@kandrip.com. Any inquiries will be kept in the strictest confidence and will not be shared with anyone without your prior consent.